tough sell
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But to be honest with you , while the good times rolled , taking on an economic system based on greed was a tough sell , at least in rich countries .
That 's a tough sell as China 's economic growth weakens .
A lucky number in China , but perhaps a tough sell .
Then you say , well , what 's a tough sell within that ?
Greece is a tough sell right now , though .
That 's likely to be a tough sell .
So cloned beef may be a tough sell .
Proved to be a tough sell .
This has proved a tough sell in Sweden .
Lavish rewards for bankers are a tough sell these days .
A tax on new features might help , but that is probably a tough sell in some quarters .
But it can be a tough sell .
The astounding city 's appearance environment health special the campaign is a sweeping news tough sell .
But critics say the president 's message is a tough sell with millions of people still out of work .
What 's a tough sell ?
Is a tough sell on Capitol hill .
With themes of blood sacrifice , guilt and punishment , Christianity is a tough sell for kids .
It 's a tough sell for consumers familiar with strong formulas that can make skin feel tight and squeaky clean .
( The $ 5 carton of vanilla to be eaten at home is a tough sell in China . )
Status Offline Despite the technological " wow " factor and officer enthusiasm , the E7 could prove to be a tough sell .
With unemployment high , hostility to China rising , and fears about foreigners taking American jobs rife , immigration reform is a tough sell .
The low prices of alternative energy sources and significant upfront costs not to mention the public health hazards most recently illustrated by the Fukushima incident have made nuclear power a tough sell in recent years .
However , with two years left on Anderson 's contract ( he 'll make $ 21.3 million in 2019-20 ) and with him falling largely out of the Rockets ' playoff rotation , that 's a tough sell .
Wine traders say the 2008 Bordeaux vintage , which is released for tasting in April , will be a tough sell because it is not considered a particularly good vintage and because it is considered expensive .
In another attempt to set itself apart from Amazon , Google is also seeking to position itself as an ally of traditional booksellers - though given the fear and uncertainty stirred up by the move towards digital books , this is proving a tough sell .
Some analysts said that while the $ 14.99 monthly price represented an attempt by HBO to carefully balance relationships with its current distributors , it also could be a tough sell when compared with the offerings at Netflix , which start at $ 7.99 a month .
For example , in high school I had a job selling cell phones , and I recall Motorola 's StarTAC being a tough sell . ( It had a steep price tag . ) Still , I was able to move inventory , a sign of things to come .
In the case of a no vote , England has promised that Scotland would have new autonomy starting next year if they stay in the U.K. It 's a tough sell , but Cameron today tried to make the case that a no vote is also a vote for change .
After all , as one European official notes , the last thing that any debt-laden European government wants now is a situation where it is tough to sell bonds .
Works of art can be tough to sell quickly , and usually have advance rates from 40 % to 50 % of a conservative value estimate , Mr. Brodie says .